Information for Individuals

Do you have aches or niggles when working at your workstation?

Do those aches or niggles linger on once the work day is over?

Have you had treatment for discomfort that is not resolving it fully?

Ergonomics can help!


A thorough evaluation of your workstation set up and work tasks and patterns can often uncover stresses on the body which can cause discomfort and lead to damage to our musculoskeletal tissues.

This can lead to long term damage if neglected.

Often small simple adjustments and habit/pattern changes can reduce discomfort significantly and eliminate it altogether.

Get assessed before the occasional niggle turns into frequent pain that lasts and lasts causing suffering and expensive medical and therapy requirements.

Information for Employers

Does your team or organisation have difficulty with WRMSD (Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders) absence and all the related costs associated with this?

Have you considered Ergonomics input or support for your team or organisation but are unsure how effective it can be?

Ergonomics input helps reduce employee's discomfort at work , reduce costs, increase wellness and productivity and also helps you comply with relevant Health and Safety Legislation

One third of illness absences reported to the HSA are caused by WRMSDs.  Many of these conditions are entirely preventable – with the right injury prevention and ergonomics expertise. can look at different ways to incorporate ergonomics into your organisation's safety & wellness plan in order to make the most of the basic statutory requirements to provide Display Screen Equipment & Manual Handling Risk Assessment - to get real, positive & cost saving effects with reduced injury occurrence for your employees with the resulting increased productivity, reduced replacement and re-training costs and improved staff retention. 

Good ergonomics is good economics!  

Investment in Ergonomics leads to significant return on investment with long term cost savings and a more comfortable and productive workforce. can work with your budget to find effective & creative ways to bring the benefit of Ergonomics to your company in a way that will suit you!

The earlier that Ergonomics input and support is put in place the greater the savings in terms of costs, productivity loss and pain and suffering.



What is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics is a branch of science that aims to learn about human abilities and limitations, and then apply this learning to improve people’s interaction with products, systems and environments. It is the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the humans who use them.

Ergonomics aims to improve workspaces and environments to minimise risk of injury or harm. 

The science of fitting a workplace to the user’s needs, Ergonomics aims to increase efficiency and productivity and reduce discomfort, in particular Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs).



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